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Case Studies

Flipkart APM Deck

๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘† Got selected for Flipkartโ€™s selective APM shortlist - which selects candidates only on basis of the deck and not resume.
Chose the topic as I strongly related to the problem - since I didnโ€™t have enough time to conduct user research, I used some widely known data points and my personal experience to tackle the issue.

Grofers APM Deck

๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘† Got selected for Grofersโ€™ selective APM shortlist - probably because they looked at resumes too (I have no incentive to lie, monetary or otherwise)
Not my best presentation since I had to get done with it in 2.5 hours, but I kept it stylish (read: incorporated Grofersโ€™ color schema) and methodical enough to make it through.
Problem Statement
You have been hired by the road transport authority of a city in India to help them solve the rising traffic issues. You will have to make a presentation to define the following
  • reason for the increase in traffic
  • propose short term and long term solutions. The solutions need to be supported with a business case on feasibility & return on investment. Consider any of the following cities - Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune or New Delhi which are the cities with the worst traffic problem.

Inter-IIT Tech Business Case Competition

๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘† Won Silver Medal in Inter IIT High Prep Competition

Assignment for a PwC internship

๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘† Won the internship, a Ferrari, Ashneer Groverโ€™s PwC incrimination report, 5 million dollars and none of that is true.

Mood Indigo App Mockups

๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘† Mockups for Mood Indigo App, then converted into the #1 Trending App in Play Store India by our talented Web team.

Technical/Academic Projects

Laser Microphone | Institute Technical Summer Project, IIT Bombay

Project Details
  • Developed a prototype capable of recording sound via capturing reflection of light off of surfaces
  • Optimized the project budget to INR 500 and wrote a script in Python to reduce noise significantly

Measurement of Steel Cleanliness | Guide: Prof. Manish Pande

Project Details
  • Performed literature survey of 15+ research papers, assessing 3 techniques of measuring steel cleanliness

Analysis of the Dry Cell | Guide: Prof. Sudhanshu Mallick

Project Details
  • Employed techniques such as X-ray powder diffraction, Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and scanning electron microscope to determine the composition of dry cells of brands such as Duracell and Eveready and performed a comparative analysis of the two
  • Studied the phenomenon of leakage in alkaline cells, its causes and repercussions

Material Analysis | Guide: Prof. Parag Bhargava

Project Details
  • Dismantled the entire structure of the mobile phone model Nokia 3310, analyzed the extraction of its componentsโ€™ materials on the basis of the componentsโ€™ functions
  • Highlighted some major manufacturing processes of components such as press moulding
  • Investigated the role of materials required for manufacturing the liquid crystal display of mobiles in the dominance of China as the worldโ€™s largest producer of mobile phones

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